Something I've encountered - and wonder who else might have as well - when using Windowbliinds, is something to do with Winamp.
I use Hotkeys in Winamp (like most things), for things like Jump-to a different track, volume up and down, fast-forward and so forth. CTRL+ALT+J (jump) is the hotkey for Winamp's jump-to-song dialogue box. Works no matter what window/app is active. You simply type in the song/artist you seek and results display below.
Which worked fine, prior to Windowblinds installation. It works now, as well - but with a small glitch. Wondered if anyone else had seen this:
I call up the jump dialogue box, but nothing happens. It just doesn't appear. The only way I can make it appear is to minimize Winamp, then just re-maximize it. Appears, then. Odd, is all.
To verify, I uninstalled Windowblinds, registry cleaned, rebooted, tried Winamp again. Worked fine. Reinstalled Windowblinds, back to same issue. It's not a big deal, of course, but I'd wondered if anyone else had experienced this or knew what might be causing it and how to remedy. Doesn't seem to matter what skin I use (if that helps).
Seems something is blocking those dialogue boxes in Winamp, and seems WB-related, though no idea where.
Just tossing this out there, in case anyone has insights. 1000 thanks, of course.