
What makes you happy?

Nov 1, 2024 3:17 PM by Discussion: Life, the Universe and Everything

I'm home from having my gallbladder out (laparoscopic surgery). To say I'm in pain understates my position. It's mostly the nerve pain in my (right) shoulder, I guess common with the gasses they use to expand the abdomen?

Anyhow. I'm not sleeping well at all, or for long and am feeling more than little under the weather so if you guys want to share a pic, of your pets, of your workspace, of that which inspires you, I'd love to see it.

This is Finnley. ♥

Lots of love.Finnley

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Avatars, et al...

Jul 23, 2017 1:37 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Not really sure why I can't upload any images in my account settings. My avatar and such. The 100px and 150px ones.

Anyone else have this issue?

All I get in three browsers are error messages.

Code -230
Error: #2049
The upload will now be canceled. Please try again.


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'Security Error' when uploading..

Jan 15, 2014 8:15 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Apologies if this is miscategorized - but is anyone else receiving a security error on upload? (Zip as well as Preview image). Strange. Figured it was me, but I'm endlessly dumping my cache and cookies and other such browser goodies.


Or is this just a temporary thing that'll resolve itself? hehe


[e digicons]<3[/e]

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Small issue?

Dec 28, 2012 8:13 PM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

Something I've encountered - and wonder who else might have as well - when using Windowbliinds, is something to do with Winamp.


I use Hotkeys in Winamp (like most things), for things like Jump-to a different track, volume up and down, fast-forward and so forth. CTRL+ALT+J (jump) is the hotkey for Winamp's jump-to-song dialogue box. Works no matter what window/app is active. You simply type in the song/artist you seek and results display below.


Which worked fine, prior to Windowblinds installation. It works now, as well - but with a small glitch. Wondered if anyone else had seen this:


I call up the jump dialogue box, but nothing happens. It just doesn't appear. The only way I can make it appear is to minimize Winamp, then just re-maximize it. Appears, then. Odd, is all.


To verify, I uninstalled Windowblinds, registry cleaned, rebooted, tried Winamp again. Worked fine. Reinstalled Windowblinds, back to same issue. It's not a big deal, of course, but I'd wondered if anyone else had experienced this or knew what might be causing it and how to remedy. Doesn't seem to matter what skin I use (if that helps).


Seems something is blocking those dialogue boxes in Winamp, and seems WB-related, though no idea where.


Just tossing this out there, in case anyone has insights. 1000 thanks, of course.



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May 3, 2008 11:43 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Does anyone remember, back in 2004, many skinners, artists and such alike got together and produced a community wallpaper, that we each 'tagged' with our grafitti?

That was about 4 years ago. Many skinners have since either quit, lost interest, moved onto greener pastures or just got bored. New ones have emerged and shown great promise, so I feel it's time for another community wall, akin to 2004's, just newer.

What do you think?

I've made a very suitable background for it but I shant post it until I know others are interested in getting in on this. :)

Let me know if you're keen on the idea.

Check out the old one

Cutoff for new tags in effect

I will now finish this long overdue little project.

Thanks, everyone, for your submissions and subsequent patience in waiting for this. :)

Much love!

276 Replies Reply 77 Referrals

Apr 7, 2008 8:01 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General
Just curious how I can update my long outdated site URL and e-mail?

Currently, I believe the one on file with Stardock is

But I need this to be:

And my URL (on my profile) changed from to

Or am I just thick in not seeing how to? Is there anyone that could, if whim and interest permits, do it for me?

I'd love you to bits.

Thanks.. :)
3 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Enjoying them?

Apr 1, 2008 7:48 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Are you all enjoying your new avatars? They're pretty, hey?
4 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Oct 4, 2006 7:13 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Hi there.

Just curious of something, here. I'm trying to update my old e-mail to my new one in my WC profile, but it says I'm not a subscriber and disallows me from doing so. Am I looking in the wrong location? If someone with power to do these things [anyone?] could do so for me?..

info at causticfx dot com

Anywho, if I'm just looking in the wrong places, could someone direct me to the correct location?.. Thanks!

1 Reply Reply 3 Referrals

No subtitle. .

Apr 27, 2006 6:37 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Haven't really posted much here in.. ages, really. Figured since I've mostly completed my site I'd let others take a gander. [if anything to snag the free wallpapers? ] There's also some basic Photoshop Tutorials there for any Photoshop newcomers or enthusiasts.

Still to come on the site is a web site template store [offering regular HTML as well as Joomla/Mambo CMS templates].. I may venture into Forum software skins; undecided. Depends wholly on demand, I think.

Hope someone at least finds it a useful means to kill some time?
18 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Not sure..

Apr 17, 2006 8:42 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I've e-mailed the admins to ask this same question, but if you look through the various wallpaper galleries you'll recognize many of the works from people here and I don't see [maybe I missed it?] any credits/links/permissions given for the use/distribution of these images. Maybe the site is somehow affiliated with this one? (doubtful, but you never know) Perhaps someone (or some people) could learn Russian for me and double-check the site for me? Thanks

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